Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tom Paine's Ghost: Post with the Most!

A great blogging competition is afoot! Over at Tom Paine's Ghost, Kristopher Hite has announced the second annual Post with the Most event. From his blog:
A $100 cash prize will be awarded for the most powerful blog post freely available out there on the interwebs.

Post content is limited only by the bounds of imagination.
Keep in mind Tom Paine's Ghost was founded amidst a battle to defend freedom of the press and we hope to echo that theme throughout our pages.
Submissions will be selected and judged on the basis of four criteria:

1. Clarity
2. Originality
3. Integration (at least three forms of media would ideally be utilized, images, text, movies (you tube or vimeo), audio, etc.)
4. Power (the post's ability to motivate readers to action).

Last year, the wonderful Christie Wilcox of Observations of a Nerd won the award with her post, Reflections on the Gulf Oil Spill -- Conversations with my Grandpa, and you can see some other entries here.

So support good blogging, and either enter your own work or pass this on to someone you know who deserves the glory!

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