Sunday, October 26, 2008


At the end of November, my contract with Australia's Virtual Herbarium at the National Herbarium of NSW expires as a result of that great constant in the world of science: funding running out. So I've been quietly hunting for new work, and verily, it has come to pass! Next year I'll be starting a job at Macquarie University as a part-time research assistant for six months or so, working with Associate Professor Brian Atwell of the Biology Department, who is doing research into Australian native rice (Oryza species).

It fits brilliantly with my plans: I'll be able to work in between lectures and pracs; it'll mean no more commuting to the city; it's hands-on work; it's potentially important research in terms of high protein crop development in a world of hungry people and changing climate; and best of all, I'll be doing Real Science!

But first, I have to finish this semester.... Exams loom. So excuse me if I continue to be a bit remiss in looking after this blog. See you when I come up for air again.


  1. Ciao!
    here is my department homepage
    you can find me here:
    (cytoskeleton group)
    >>>I'm very glad you like my pictures, I hope to post more soon, autumn in Prague is quite spectacular
    crossing my fingers for your exams and new job!

  2. Hey Plch! Thanks for posting.

    So which area of study in the Cytoskeleton Group are you involved in?

    I just wrote an essay on the genetic and biochemical basis of gametophytic self-incompatibility in Papaver species, and was absolutely enthralled by the process of depolymerisation of F actin in pollen tubes. Cellular plant biology is just fascinating stuff. Love it to pieces!



  3. I'm the molecular biologist of the group, my main job is to prepare new plasmidic constructs for the expression of fluorescent labeled proteins in plant cells (we work mostly on tabacco but also on Arabidopsis & potato). We have different projects focused on tubuline, fimbrine, actine and associated proteins and I more or less work on all of them. I have also identified new actin isoforms in spruce.
    >>> I hope my boss will publish soon more pictures of our work because they are spectacular! you are right it's fascinating stuff (and quite new for me too, I'm a zoologist after all).
    BTW: the nobel prize assigned this year to the person that identified the 'green fluorescent protein' is extremely well deserved!

  4. Ah, Erica, you're doing pretty much exactly what I aim to do! I'm keen to get involved in the molecular biology of plant/fungal symbionts.

    And yes, I am sure you're right about the 'green fluorescent protein' identification deserving the Nobel Prize. It's proving to be a stunning tool for biologists. Speaking of prize-winning biology, check out my latest post on Paul Ehrlich. There is something quite wonderful about meeting one's heroes. :)


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