Monday, February 25, 2008


I've been playing around with templates for my blog. One of the lovely things about Blogspot is that nice people design blog templates and you can adopt them. This one I like because it's wider than most, so I don't have to squish my photos quite as much.

The new image at the top of the screen is a photo I took at the Herbarium of a moss specimen, Hypnodenron comosum, collected in Tasmania in 1985. Here's a more complete image:

Hypnodenron comosum

The diversity of mosses is quite stunning. Some look like miniature palms, some like ferns, some like turf. Even dried out and ancient, they can be strikingly beautiful.


  1. Hello Margaret

    Denis Wilson from Robertson here. We have bumped into eachother on the Internet before, and we know people in common.

    I was searching Google Images for Genoplesium fimbriatum, and came up with a series of links to your pages - none of which appear to have images of that little Orchid. One of the Mysteries of Google Searches.

    Anyway, it seems your blog is progressing well, and I shall have to come back and look at more of your pictures. I took a photo of a Wahlenbergia communis recently, but yours is nicer than mine.

    I am busy chasing down identities for lots of tiny summer/autumn ground Orchids now. Living in the bush, I do not have anyone I can walk up to and show them a picture, and ask "what is this plant which I have found?" So I have to do my best from books and the Internet, and occasional helpful people.

    So I am envious of your contacts.

    All the best, and I shall come back again, soon.



  2. Denis here again, Margaret.
    As I clicked "Publish" for my previous comment, I suddenly remembered i could do a search within your blog, and sure enough, there was "Genoplesium fimbriatum".

    Well done. Not many photos of that elusive creature on the Net. I have two plants which ought be that plant. One is much darker, but has the requisite frilled labellum and dorsal sepal. Another is similar in colour to yours, but lacks the frilled dorsal sepal.

    Yet another mystery.

    Glad I found your photo, even though it did not come up directly from a Google Image search, only when I searched within your blog.

    Still, a result is a result. It is interesting to compare plants form different areas, and see their differences.


    Denis Wilson

  3. G'day Denis! Nice to hear from you.

    You can find the image of Genoplesium fimbriatum on the post, Central Coast Field Trip--Bulgandry. (If you are ever looking for something particular on my blog, you can either use the search function or check the index of keywords on the lower left hand side.)

    Please give my best to A and A!


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