Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Room of One's Own.

Virginia Woolf wrote about it nearly a century ago: the importance of having a room of one's own. She was writing specifically for women, who rarely had such a luxury at the time. Perhaps too few of us have one still.

But I do. I now have the room I've dreamed of for years. I have my books, some beautiful furniture, prints on the wall, plants, my desk, my computer (sorry Virginia, a bit of a shock, I imagine), my music and my microscopes surrounding me. I have a place I love, a place of stillness to allow thought and ideas and study.

The Books

I won't post the rest of the photos of the transformation and the (almost--a rug and curtains remain to be furnished) finished product, but you can see the slideshow here. (Put your cursor on the first photo and click on the i, to get my comments.)

Happily yours,



  1. Very beautiful indeed! I'm jealous. Love the wall color.

  2. I have a room of my own Margaret, though it doubles as a storage room and a home for our bearded dragons and (soon) an aquarium. Hopefully I can get it cleaned up soon, your photos have been inspirational!


  3. Virginia knew of what she spoke! I love the color you chose for the walls.


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