Monday, January 28, 2008

Central Coast Field Trip: the Crommelin Arboretum

Adjoining the Research Station where we stayed on the field trip is the Crommelin Arboretum, around 6 hectares of natural and cultivated native bushland, rainforest and wetland. It's a very peaceful place....

Crommelin Arboretum 1

Crommelin Arboretum  2
An old and well-established Xanthorrhoea
species, with a flower spike and blackened trunk.

Eustrephus latifolius
Eustrephus latifolius. Unusually for a climber, it's a
monocot. Both the berries and tubers are edible.


  1. Just before I head off to sleep it was good to see these photographs. It must have been an amazing weekend.

    Happy Belated Australia Day!

  2. Some nice photos Margaret! Wombat berry is in fruit here in Berowra too -- though it's fairly uncommon here.

  3. Kate: It was amazing, but not a weekend. It was four days, mid-week. This might not seem like a significant distinction, but it was to the cook!! ;)

    David: Have you eaten them? Nice?


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