This morning, as Maxine (the ten-year old offspring) and I were in the back garden regarding--and being regarded by--a metre-long goanna (
Varanus varius), she said to me, "It's like living in a wildlife park." And she's right. How I love living here!

This goanna was a stunner, as interested in us as we were in it. It can't be too old, since they grow to 2 metres, but it looked like it could have done a great deal of damage with those claws. I have a nasty feeling it likes living around here because of the brush turkey eggs and babies. And the frogs. Ah, life's rich tapestry.
And here are some photos that Martien (the spouse) took when he was walking in
Berowra Valley this morning. I think I have photographic competition....
Grevillea buxifolia
Telopea speciosissima
Huge day in the garden, today. I've created a new bed, fenced it off from the wallabies, and planted all sorts of goodies. Photos soon!
It's all feeling very spring.