Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ringtail Possum Drey

I took Bob's advice, and constructed further accommodation for the local ringtails....

Thanks, Bob!

I'll let you know as soon as someone moves in.


  1. Hi Margaret, I discovered you on "A Growing Delight" (Alice) and came over to visit. I never thought of constructing a drey for our ringtail possums. They have done their own thing near the top of a very tall eucalypt in our front yard, and when we get those high winds, I gaze in wonder as the drey stays put up there! We have installed a possum box half way up another tree nearby, and sometimes a ringtail stays in there for a few days (so cute to see the little face peering out early in the morning after a busy night!)

  2. G'day, Gina! Thanks for visiting. :)

    I'm still waiting for someone to move into the drey. Perhaps I'm being too impatient. It's possible, I suppose, that it's too close to the other drey. Maybe I'll sneak into the national park and put it there....


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