Tuesday, July 10, 2007

'O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' She chortled in her joy.

I just got great news---I've been offered the job I'd applied for at the Herbarium, working on bryophyte data for Australia's Virtual Herbarium! It starts early August, three days a week.

It's been such a dream of mine to work at the Herbarium, since I did the Internship there. That, and the part time science degree.... Excuse me while I do a few handstands.



  1. wow. stand still for a minute, damn you! excellent news!

  2. Congratulations on the new job. I hope it will be even better than you imagine. Three days a week sounds great too. Are the other two days free time for you, or are they committed to another job?

    I guess by now you've finished your handstands?

  3. Alice, the other two days a week are when I do my science degree.

    Plus, of course, bringing up my (turned ten today!) daughter. :)


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