Friday, November 03, 2006

Thank you, Edna.

I'm doing a little spring-tidying up of my patio, where I have lots of pots of sundry plants. The aspect is North-Westerly, so it gets a lot of sun and heat.

Most recently, I've had a row of pots with lobelia spilling out over the garden wall, but they were getting a bit scruffy.

I've replaced them with a few ground cover herbs: Lemon Variegated Thyme, Golden Thyme, Variegated Oregano and and Creeping Thyme 'Doone Valley'. Hopefully they will give a similar cascading effect--with the advantage of being edible.

Here they are. I'll post another photo when they've grown.

This is vaguely inspired by Edna Walling, who'd often use plants not generally thought of as decorative, to great effect. I love informal, rambling designs with lots of terracotta and stone and nooks and crannies. My garden is nothing like that yet. But one day....

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