Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I lose my blogging virginity.

Welcome! Having started my Growing Passion website, I decided it was time to enter the world of the blog. At this point, I'm not sure how well I'll be able to integrate the site and this blog, but time will tell. Ideally, it will be reasonably fluid moving between the two.

So if you've found your way here through my website, please, post a message and say hi!


  1. Hi Margaret.

    I was using google to try and line up a date with a well endowed Nigerian man and your site came up. No date, but I really enjoyed reading about your love of nature.


  2. Susie, I'm so sorry about the lack of date, but you've got to love the Assassin Bug in my latest post. Okay, so it's not so well endowed....

  3. Fabulous pic of the assassin beetle Marg - a photo to kill for!

  4. JR, I've always said you're a man of exceptional taste.


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